Pandemic: Is Artistic Swimming Infectious?
Arguments for
Humans emerged from water (nature's womb) and every one formed in the delightfully silky & nutritious environment of their human mother’s liquor. Once contaminated by Artistic Swimming (AS), humans return to their formative watery environment. AS is infectious.
The agents of transmission are actively groomed to spread AS to every corner of the globe. Contact with any of these agents is infectious. An estimated R-naught is 3.5, similar to SARS-CoV-2
AS is rarely lethal, unlike Ebola, but is associated with significant behavioural changes in the infected especially ages 8 - 18 years. Mental health concerns are significant in the cohabiting parents.
The AS Virus structure is a protein layer of gelatin (Knox) that encases a complex brain matrix of lipid and DNA. Unlike RNA viruses, AS can heal itself of errors which forms the basis of its precarious survival.
Social Distancing is very effective at containing AS. It has not even caused an epidemic because the diseased remain socially isolated from the uninfected. This evolutionary weakness contributes to its precarious existence.
There is no vaccine. AS fomites (objects that are likely to cause infection) include water related gear eg caps, goggles, glamorous costumes
Under electron microscopy, AS is bird-like. It is frequently likened to a crane. The legs that project from it are notable in their symmetry.
Cases of AS are found everyday but global interest has occurred every four years since 1984, except for 2020
AS is zoonotic from aquamarine animals.
Arguments against
It is a sport